How to Uninstall eqMac?
Uninstall Instructions for eqMac on macOS
If you wish to remove eqMac from your macOS system, follow these steps:
Step 1: Close eqMac (if running)
Before proceeding with the uninstallation process, ensure that eqMac is not running. If it is currently active, quit the application by right-clicking on its icon in the menu bar and selecting "Quit eqMac".
Step 2: Remove eqMac Application
Open the Finder on your macOS system.
Navigate to the "Applications" folder.
Locate the "eqMac" application icon.
Drag the "eqMac" application icon to the Trash icon in the Dock. Alternatively, you can right-click on the "eqMac" application icon and select "Move to Trash".
Step 3: Remove Associated Files (Optional)
While the main application has been moved to the Trash, some associated files and preferences may still remain on your system. Be aware that removing preferences files will delete all EQ presets and settings you have set up.
Step 4: Delete System Audio Capture Driver (Optional)
eqMac comes with a CoreAudio HAL Driver located at /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/eqMac.driver/. This file doesn't affect your system unless eqMac is running.
To delete the System Audio Capture Driver, you can use Finder or the command line:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/eqMac.driver/
Step 5: Remove Helper Process (Optional)
eqMac also installs a Helper process located at /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.bitgapp.eqmac.helper and launches on startup using the LaunchDaemon /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bitgapp.eqmac.helper.plist. These files don't have any effect on your system unless eqMac is running.
To remove the Helper process and LaunchDaemon, you can use Finder or the command line:
sudo rm -rf /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.bitgapp.eqmac.helper
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bitgapp.eqmac.helper.plist
Step 6: Empty Trash
Once you have removed the eqMac application and any associated files, empty the Trash to permanently delete them from your system.
Step 7: Restart Your Mac (Optional)
It is recommended to restart your Mac after uninstalling eqMac to ensure that all changes take effect.
Step 8: Verify Uninstallation (Optional)
If you want to confirm that eqMac has been successfully uninstalled, you can check the Applications folder and the directories mentioned in Steps 4 and 5 to ensure that no leftover files or folders related to eqMac remain.
Following these steps will remove eqMac from your macOS system. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, refer to the official documentation or support resources provided by the developer.
Updated on: 15/03/2024
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